
by Paul Anglada

In the concept album Sythisean, the inhabitants of the dying planet Orhelicon must embark on a journey to find a new home among the stars. As they explore the unknown, they are faced with both the excitement of technological discovery and the fear of the unknown. The album follows the Sythiseans as they navigate their way through new realms, using their technological curiosity, instinctual fear, and exponential bravery to guide them on their quest for survival. Through its unique blend of eclectic beats, alien soundscapes, and creative energy, Sythisean captures the essence of the spirit in the face of adversity and takes the listener on a captivating musical journey through the stars.

  1. Orhelicon (Opening of Mystery)

  2. Sythisean (A Day Not So Ordinary)

  3. The Closing-In of the Sky

  4. Red Known (Heart's Mourn)

  5. Sound (Very Soon)

  6. Sleep Still Tonight

  7. (Evoli)

  8. Wormhole

  9. Coil

  10. You Are The Cave

  11. Lamentation

  12. A View From Above the Clouds

  13. Satellite

  14. (Owaso)

  15. To the Edge of the Universe

  16. Riding the Cosmic Strings

  17. The Sky Will Never Forget Us

  18. Orhelicon (Mystery’s End)