A lightness in the awakening of consciousness
as starlight sparkles in
through the eyes as they open.

Star Heart

by Paul Anglada

Star Heart is an album of improvised piano, delicate textures, and dextrous beats that creates a dreamlike soundscape in galaxies of emotions. The album was born out of a moment of creative inspiration, as the song "A Heart's Restart" unlocked a decade-long writer's block and sparked a burst of artistic energy. The result is a collection of carefully curated and polished songs that transport the listener to a light and wondrous world of starlight and consciousness. Float through Star Heart's emotional canopy and let the music sparkle through your ears as you awaken to its beauty.

  1. The Eyes As They Open

  2. Celestial

  3. Ratio

  4. Healing

  5. Openly

  6. Light Beam Dreamer

  7. Moon Song

  8. Becoming, As We Do

  9. Soft Piano

  10. One Goes

  11. Effervescent Sentient

  12. Low Zone

  13. The Arms

  14. Star Born

  15. With

  16. A Heart's Restart

  17. Look at the Moon